Finding Files on Linux: Command Line vs. GUI

If you struggle to locate files in your Linux distribution, there is a command line tool built-in to make your task much simpler.

Searching for files in Linux using the command line

group of penguins looking around
Photo by Charlie Geleta

Are you tired of searching for files on your Linux system using GUI tools that often result in system slowdowns? Look no further! As a Linux enthusiast, I have found the perfect solution for you – the command line! 🚀

Why Use the Command Line?

GUI tools may be visually appealing, but when it comes to finding files quickly and efficiently, the command line is hard to beat. Unlike GUI tools that require you to manually open files, the command line allows you to swiftly navigate through your system and find files in no time. 💨

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Opening files manually might sound like a hassle, but trust me, the speed and accuracy of the command line tool make it a trade-off worth accepting.

How to Find Files from the CLI

You may be wondering, “How can I locate files using the command line?” Fear not, my Linux-loving friend, as I am about to guide you through this process step by step. 🤓

1. The Basic Use of the find Command

To get started, open a terminal window from your desktop menu. Once you have your terminal app open, type the following syntax for the basic find command:

find -name FILE

In the command above, replace “FILE” with the name of the file you’re searching for. Simple, right? 😉

By including the -name parameter, you ensure that the find command will locate the file regardless of your current directory. No more worrying about being in the right directory!

However, keep in mind that the find command is case-sensitive. So, if you’re looking for a file named “MyFile,” make sure to use the correct capitalization. Otherwise, you might end up empty-handed. 😅

It’s also worth noting that the find command can only search for files within directories you have permission to view. If you encounter a “Permission Denied” error, it means that the directory you’re trying to access is off-limits. 🚫

2. A Trick and a Trap

Let’s level up our find command skills, shall we? Say you want to locate all instances of a file named “MyFile.txt” but are unsure about the file extensions. Here’s where a neat trick comes in handy!

Instead of specifying the exact file extension, you can use the wildcard character “*.” To search for all files starting with “MyFile” and ending with any extension, run the command:

find -name MyFile.*

Now, watch as the magic unfolds! The find command scours your system for files named “MyFile” with various extensions and presents you with their locations. 🎩✨

But hold on a second! There’s a trap lurking in this trick. Let’s say you have “MyFile.rtf” in your home directory, “MyFile.odt” in your Downloads directory, and “MyFile.txt” in your Documents directory.

If you’re running the find command in your home directory and you use find -name MyFile.*, it will find “MyFile.rtf” and abruptly halt its search. Not ideal, right? 😬

To overcome this trap, all you need to do is enclose the file name in quotes. Like so:

find -name "MyFile.*"

Now, even if you’re in your home directory, the find command will continue searching after locating the first instance of the file. My advice? Embrace the habit of always using quotes for file names. Safety first! 🔒

And there you have it, my fellow Linux enthusiasts! You’ve mastered the command line art of finding files on your system. 🎉

If you’d like to explore more Linux command line tricks or discover other useful tools, check out the following resources:

Now go forth and impress your friends with your newfound command line wizardry! And remember, sharing is caring, so don’t forget to spread the Linux love on social media. 🐧❤️🚀

👩‍💻 Your friendly neighborhood Linux aficionado