Clearing Out Your iPhone’s “Other” Storage: Say Goodbye to Sluggishness! 💨

Turn this into a habit and your future self will be grateful.

Speed up your iPhone by clearing ‘Other’ storage.

📱 Is your beloved iPhone starting to feel a bit sluggish? Before you rush to buy a shiny new one 🛍️, there’s a simple solution that might just breathe new life into your device: clearing out your storage space. But hold on, we’re not talking about that typical, run-of-the-mill storage space. We’re talking about your iPhone’s mysterious and often frustrating “Other” storage. 😱

What is the iPhone’s Other Storage?

Picture this: the Other section is like a dark, mysterious corner of your iPhone’s storage 🌑. It’s a catch-all for things like system files and Siri voices, but it can also be a memory hog. Why? Well, caching is the culprit here. Your cache stores elements of apps or websites so they load faster the next time you use them. Imagine it as a backpack on your phone, collecting souvenirs as you browse the web, stream videos, send messages with pictures or videos, and more. Soon, that backpack can start to weigh you down, stealing away your precious storage space. 🎒

To check how much space Other storage is hogging on your iPhone, follow these steps: Go to Settings ➡️ General ➡️ iPhone Storage. You’ll see a bar graph showing the categories taking up your storage. The Other storage section is usually the gray portion on the far right of the graph. If that gray blob seems bigger than it should be, don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are a few tricks to help you shrink that pesky Other storage. ✨

Offload Apps

No, we’re not talking about deleting apps here; it’s more like sending them to a special storage vacation 🏖️ while saving their data for later. This trick comes in handy, especially for apps like Google Maps that hog significant space without storing much data. To offload an app, go back to iPhone Storage in Settings ➡️ General, find the app you want to offload, and tap on it. Then, simply hit Offload App. Easy, right?

Bonus tip: In the iPhone Storage section, you’ll find a list of apps with a number next to each one, indicating the storage space they use. This nifty little feature gives you an instant overview of which apps are hogging memory and which are barely making a dent. Armed with this knowledge, decide which apps you’re ready to offload without hesitation! 💪

Clear Out the Safari Cache and Close Tabs

Do you frequently roam the untamed wilderness of the internet using Safari? (We all do, don’t worry!) Well, it turns out that Safari may be storing history and data that you simply don’t need. To clear Safari’s browser cache, follow these steps: Go to Settings ➡️ Safari and tap Clear History and Website Data. And just in case you’re a Chrome aficionado, here’s how to clear out cache on Google’s browser.

Oh, and speaking of tabs, don’t forget to give them a little trim every now and then. Closing out tabs helps free up storage and keeps your device running smoothly 🏃‍♂️. You can adjust how frequently Safari will automatically close open tabs by going to Settings ➡️ Safari ➡️ Close Tabs. You can either manually close tabs or let Safari do the work for you by closing tabs that haven’t been viewed for a day, a week, or a month.

Stop Storing Texts Forever

Are you aware that your iPhone has been hoarding every text message you’ve ever sent or received? Forever. 📚 While it might be convenient to look up that conversation you had 15 months ago, it’s not so convenient if you need your storage space back. To stop your phone from saving texts forever, follow these simple steps: Open up Settings, tap on Messages, scroll down to find Message History, and tap on Keep Messages. Change Forever to 30 Days or 1 Year. A pop-up will ask you if you want to delete older messages; just tap Delete to proceed. 📵

Reset Your iPhone

If all else fails, it’s time to pull out the big guns: resetting your iPhone. Now, don’t panic! We’re not talking about wiping out all your precious files and memories here. Instead, we’re aiming to dump a lot of the junk contained in Other storage. It’s a fresh start, just like when you clean out your closet or give your room a good tidying up! 🧼

For more iPhone tips, tricks, and hidden features, check out these articles:

  1. iPhone Tips and Tricks for Power Users
  2. Hidden iOS 15 Features That’ll Blow Your Mind
  3. iPhone Settings You Should Change ASAP
  4. Making Your iPhone Feel More Like Your Old Android Phone
  5. Tips for Making Your Phone Last Longer

Before you go, remember to share this article with your friends who might be dealing with sluggish iPhones too! Let’s help them revive their devices and make their lives easier. Sharing is caring, after all. 🤗✨

Disclaimer: Resetting your iPhone should always be your last resort. Make sure to back up your data and files before taking this step.