Apple’s Folding iPhone: Is it Worth the Wait?

Opinion An iPhone with a folding screen could aid Apple in dominating and rejuvenating the flexible phone market. I really hope it happens.

I desperately want Apple to create a foldable iPhone, and here’s why.

Welcome to the future, where our smartphones can bend, twist, and contort in ways that would make a yoga instructor jealous. The introduction of foldable phones has brought a new level of excitement to the tech world, with companies like Samsung, Google, and OnePlus leading the charge. But what about Apple? Are they going to join the party or risk being left behind?

Late to the Party?

With the recent launch of the iPhone 15 Pro, Apple introduced some impressive updates, including improved cameras, sleek titanium designs, and the long-awaited USB-C. However, one feature the event failed to deliver was a folding iPhone. While many other manufacturers have already embraced foldable devices, it seems like Apple might be a little late to the game. And that could be a problem.

Nipping at Apple’s Heels

Apple currently dominates the premium phone category, but foldables, with their premium price tags, are quickly gaining traction and threatening Apple’s reign. Motorola, for example, revealed that 20% of customers purchasing its Razr foldable phone switched from Apple. Meanwhile, Samsung has already released the fifth generation of its Flip and Fold series, and foldable phones are becoming increasingly commonplace, especially in markets like Seoul, South Korea.

Will Apple Miss the Boat?

Some might argue that Apple has nothing to worry about. After all, it’s estimated that around 20 million foldable phones were sold worldwide in 2023, while Apple reportedly sold 26.5 million iPhone 14 Pro Max handsets in just the first half of the year. Clearly, Apple is aware that it hasn’t missed the boat just yet.

Apple’s Track Record

Apple has always been known for its patient approach to innovation. Instead of being the first to introduce a new product category, Apple prefers to observe the industry, learn from others, and then deliver its own take on a product when it’s ready. They’ve done this with phones, tablets, smartwatches, and computers, taking existing products and making them more useful, valuable, and exciting.

The Need for Something New

As a seasoned mobile reporter who has witnessed a decade’s worth of incremental smartphone improvements, I’m yearning for something truly revolutionary. The initial excitement over foldable phones has faded as they’ve proven to be more of a novelty than a game-changer. Sure, a bending screen is cool, but it doesn’t fundamentally change how we interact with our devices, like the touchscreen did.

Can Apple Revolutionize the Foldable Phone?

I had hoped that Google’s Pixel Fold or OnePlus Open would bring about that much-needed revolution, but they fell short of delivering anything groundbreaking. This is why I am eagerly waiting for Apple’s take on the foldable phone. Apple’s reputation for product revolutions, combined with their close collaborations with software developers, could result in a folding iPhone that truly changes the game.

Software Innovation Matters

While many foldable phones currently run standard versions of Android with minor UI tweaks, Apple’s partnership with developers could produce a different outcome. One of the biggest drawbacks of foldables is the lack of optimized software. Few developers have embraced the folding format, mainly due to the fragmentation and extra effort required to adapt their software to multiple screen sizes. But Apple has a history of successfully bridging this software gap, as seen with the iPhone and iPad.

Innovation Beyond Hardware

When it comes to innovation, Apple thinks beyond hardware alone. By harnessing the power of their extensive developer team and leveraging their relationships with top-tier developers, Apple could bring forth a truly transformative folding iPhone. It’s not just about bending the screen; it’s about creating an entirely new and immersive user experience that leaves us in awe.

Looking Forward

As a tech enthusiast, I long for the days when tech launches were filled with excitement and anticipation. I crave that sense of wonder that comes with holding a new gadget and experiencing something truly transformative. So, the pressure is on, Apple. We’re counting on you to bring that “wow” factor back into our lives.


Q: When can we expect Apple to release a folding iPhone?
A: While there hasn’t been an official announcement from Apple, rumors suggest that they may introduce a folding iPhone in the near future, possibly in the next couple of years. However, it’s always best to take rumors with a grain of salt until an official statement is made.

Q: How do foldable phones compare to traditional smartphones?
A: Foldable phones offer the ability to expand the screen size, giving users a larger display when needed while still maintaining portability. However, they come with their own set of challenges, such as durability concerns and a higher price tag. Traditional smartphones, on the other hand, provide a tried-and-true form factor with a stable design and competitive features.

Q: Will a folding iPhone be compatible with existing iOS apps?
A: It’s highly likely that Apple would ensure compatibility between existing iOS apps and a folding iPhone. Given Apple’s meticulous approach to software development and their emphasis on a seamless user experience, they would likely work closely with developers to optimize their apps for the new foldable form factor.

Q: How do foldable phones benefit users in everyday life?
A: Foldable phones offer the advantage of having a larger screen real estate for tasks like watching videos, multitasking, and using productivity apps. They provide a more immersive experience compared to traditional smartphones. Additionally, the ability to fold the device into a more compact size makes it easier to carry in pockets or purses.

Q: What challenges do manufacturers face in developing foldable phones?
A: Manufacturers face several challenges when developing foldable phones, such as ensuring durability and flexibility of the folding mechanism, optimizing software to seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes and orientations, and overcoming price barriers to make them more accessible to a wider audience. These challenges require careful engineering and collaboration between hardware and software teams.

The Future of Foldables

Foldable phones are undeniably a fascinating and growing trend in the tech industry. As more manufacturers enter this space, competition will drive further innovation and improvements. Whether Apple eventually joins the foldable phone market or takes a different approach altogether, it’s clear that foldables are here to stay.

References: – iPhone 15 Pro Feature AnalysisBest USB-C CablesApple’s Folding iPhoneMotorola and the Foldable Phone MarketDisappointment with Foldables