Understanding the ROI of Conference Attendance: Sproxxy Launches Conference Intelligence Platform 🌟

Sproxxy is a fledgling startup that is developing a platform to assist businesses in measuring the return on investment of attending conferences.

Sproxxy simplifies tracking conference spending ROI | ENBLE

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Do you ever feel like attending conferences is just one big blur of company money being spent? The cost of space, booths, hotels, travel, and meals for employees staffing the booth can really add up. And let’s not forget the time away from the office and the ticket costs for executives. It’s enough to make you wonder, how can companies justify the expense of attending these events?

Well, look no further! Sproxxy, an early-stage company, has come to the rescue with a platform that aims to manage conference-related activities while helping businesses understand the return on investment (ROI) of attending these events. After raising an impressive $1.1 million, Sproxxy has officially launched its conference intelligence platform, bringing much-needed clarity to the conference chaos.

From Excel Spreadsheets to Conference Intelligence

Melanie Samba, the founder and CEO of Sproxxy, spent 20 years in marketing and communications, managing a team of 12 executives who attended a whopping 80 conferences a year. The logistical nightmare of keeping track of it all in Excel spreadsheets led her to a eureka moment – there had to be a better way! And thus, Sproxxy was born.

“We’re positioned as a conference intelligence platform. And what we’re doing is quantifying conference activity. So we help brands prove the business impact of them participating at conferences and knowing the ROI or value of speaking, sponsoring, and attending an industry event,” explained Samba.

Sproxxy covers the entire conference lifecycle. It starts with pre-planning, where the platform helps companies identify the right conferences to attend. Then comes the coordination phase, involving cross-department collaboration to ensure a seamless conference experience. Finally, post-conference analysis provides valuable insights into whether the event was worth the time and resources invested.

Data, Analytics, and Insight in One Place

At its core, Sproxxy is all about data, analytics, and insights. The platform aims to provide companies with a comprehensive understanding of what they gain (or don’t) from attending conferences. Imagine having all the pertinent information neatly organized and easily accessible in one place. It’s like having a personal conference assistant, except this assistant doesn’t ask for coffee and never takes vacation!

Image Source: Unsplash

Sproxxy’s Journey and the Path Ahead

Samba initially outsourced the development of the software to a company. However, after selling her first license to an agency managing 60 clients on the platform, she decided it was time to bring development in-house. Today, she leads a talented team of three engineers and a product manager, tirelessly working to improve and refine the conference intelligence provided by Sproxxy.

With a promising pipeline of 1200 companies eager to hop onboard the Sproxxy platform, it’s clear that there’s demand in the market. Samba’s target audience ranges from midsize businesses to enterprises that are seeking a streamlined way to manage their conference activities. And with Sproxxy’s comprehensive features, they are well on their way to achieving that goal.

Q&A: Addressing Readers’ Burning Questions 🔥

Q: How does Sproxxy’s conference intelligence platform help businesses measure ROI?

A: Sproxxy’s platform offers a range of data-driven analytics and insights that allow companies to assess the impact of attending conferences on their bottom line. It helps quantify conference activities by tracking the value of speaking engagements, sponsorships, and overall participation. Through pre-planning, collaboration, and post-conference analysis, Sproxxy provides businesses with the necessary data to justify and measure the ROI of their conference investments.

Q: What sets Sproxxy apart from other conference management solutions?

A: Sproxxy stands out with its specific focus on conference intelligence. While other solutions may provide general conference management tools, Sproxxy takes it a step further by providing comprehensive data analysis and insights. By quantifying conference activities and offering post-conference performance evaluations, Sproxxy helps companies make informed decisions and optimize their conference strategies.

Q: As a solo Black woman founder, how did Melanie Samba overcome fundraising challenges?

A: Securing funding as a solo Black woman founder is no easy feat, especially considering the venture capital landscape. Samba faced the uphill battle of getting investors to truly understand the unique value of Sproxxy’s product. However, she persevered and eventually found support from Ivy Ventures, who invested $500,000 to help Sproxxy take flight. Samba’s determination and the inherent value of Sproxxy played crucial roles in overcoming these challenges.

Future Developments: Unlocking the Full Potential

With Sproxxy officially launched, the possibilities for future developments and impact are exciting. Similar to how Sproxxy revolutionizes conference management, we can anticipate other industries exploring ways to quantify the impact of their activities. Whether it’s trade shows, product launches, or networking events, data-driven insights will become increasingly valuable in decision-making processes.

As conference intelligence continues to evolve, we might envision platforms that integrate real-time attendee feedback, sentiment analysis, and even predictive analytics. This could enable businesses to make data-backed decisions on the fly, optimize their conference strategies, and truly maximize the ROI of their efforts. The era of blindly budgeting for conferences may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to innovations like Sproxxy.


  1. Sproxxy Official Website
  2. Why Relying on Excel Spreadsheets for Conference Management Is a Thing of the Past
  3. The Role of Data-Driven Insights in Modern Business Strategies
  4. Breaking Barriers: The Journey of Black Founders in the Tech Industry
  5. Conference ROI: Calculating the Value of Participation
  6. The Future of Conference Intelligence: Predictive Analytics and Beyond

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