In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about Discord. Keep reading to get the lowdown on this app.

Get Ahead in Gaming with Discord, the Ultimate Voice and Chat App - Here's What You Need to Know

So, what is Discord?

Setting up a test server in Discord.

Discord is like the Ultimate Social Club for gamers, creating a community where players can find each other, coordinate play, and chat while gaming. It’s a chat app similar to Skype, TeamSpeak, and Slack, but specifically designed for gamers. But that’s not all! Discord has evolved into much more than just a gaming platform. It has become a social media alternative and a personal hub for people who want to connect with others who share their interests.

What separates Discord from other platforms?

A Discord text chat.

Discord has a unique blend of features that make it stand out from other communication platforms. It combines the best elements of familiar programs like Skype and Slack, but with a user-friendly interface. Unlike other chat apps, Discord is designed to run smoothly without slowing down your games. So, while it’s perfect for gaming, it’s also an excellent tool for organizing and socializing.

Discord is not just about gaming; it’s about building communities. It has become a semi-public forum-style platform where people with common interests can gather. You can find public servers centered around gaming, but also servers for anime, cryptocurrency, self-improvement, and simply making friends and hanging out. It’s a place where people can share their passions and connect with like-minded individuals.

One of the advantages of Discord is its accessibility. It’s available as a downloadable PC program, a web-based version, and a mobile app, giving users the flexibility to connect from anywhere. Whether you’re gaming on your PC or on the go, Discord has got you covered.

How to use Discord

So, you’re ready to dive into the wonderful world of Discord? Let’s explore how to use Discord effectively and make the most of its features.

Find a server (or make one)

Searching for a Pokémon server.

Discord revolves around servers. A server is a chat room where you can invite people to join you in discussions. Servers can be public or private, and each server can have multiple channels for discussions on specific topics. You can join existing servers related to your interests or create your own server to bring friends and like-minded people together.

Make friends

A Discord friend list.

Adding friends on Discord allows you to connect with people outside of the servers you’re in. You can add friends by finding their names on servers you’ve already joined, searching for users, or simply sending a friend request directly. Having a network of friends on Discord makes it easier to stay connected and initiate direct messages, voice calls, or group chats.

Connect accounts and build a profile

Connecting accounts in Discord.

Discord supports connections with other social media accounts, such as Steam, Twitch, Twitter, Spotify, and Xbox. This integration helps you find people you know and enhances your user profile. By connecting your accounts, you can expand your network and meet new people who share similar interests.

Texting it up

A text chatroom in Discord.

Discord’s text chat feature allows you to communicate with others through messages. You can send text messages, drag and drop GIFs and images into chat, edit or delete messages, and even use Markdown to format your text. Markdown lets you add bold, italics, strikethroughs, and more to your messages. You can also react to messages using emojis, making conversations even more fun and expressive.

Be heard

A Discord voice chat room.

Voice chat is a core feature of Discord, perfect for real-time communication with other users. You can join voice channels on servers, initiate voice calls or group calls, and adjust your audio settings for optimal sound quality. With quick controls for muting, deafening, and hanging up, Discord ensures seamless voice communication during gaming sessions or casual conversations.

Control who you see and hear

Adjusting volume in Discord.

Discord gives you control over who you interact with. You can adjust your settings to mute, block, or adjust the volume of specific users. You can also moderate servers and channels if you’re an admin, making it easier to manage your community and keep unwanted individuals at bay.

Go Live

Streaming a game in Discord.

Go Live is a powerful feature on Discord that allows users to stream live gameplay to others on the server. You can share your gameplay, screen, or a specific app with your friends or community. It’s a great way to showcase your gaming skills or enjoy shared experiences with others.

What is Discord Nitro?

Discord Nitro subscription details.

Discord Nitro is a premium subscription that unlocks additional features for users. With Nitro, you can use animated emotes, upload larger files, stream in 4K using Go Live, and boost servers to unlock more features for the community. Nitro users can also customize their server with animated icons and other graphics, making their servers stand out. It’s a great way to support Discord and enjoy enhanced features.

Getting the Discord app

Using Discord on mobile.

Discord is available on various platforms, making it accessible to everyone. You can download the Discord app on your desktop, laptop, Android phone, or iOS device. The layout and functions of the app are consistent across devices, ensuring a seamless user experience. You can also access Discord through a web browser if you prefer.

Going mobile

Discord’s mobile app allows you to stay connected on the go. Whether you’re video calling, starting discussions, or finding new servers, the mobile app provides all the essential functions. It’s like having a portable social club in your pocket. Plus, you can always log in via a browser on any device to access your conversations remotely.

Where do you get Discord?

To download Discord or access it through the web, visit If you want to use Discord on your mobile device, you can find the app on the Google Play Store or the iTunes App Store. And if you’re a gamer with an Xbox, you can also use Discord on your console.

Further Reading

Looking for more information on Discord? Check out these helpful links:

  1. How to make a Discord bot
  2. How to report someone on Discord
  3. How to pin a message in Discord

Now that you know all about Discord, go forth and join the fun! Whether you’re a gamer, a community-builder, or just someone looking to connect with like-minded individuals, Discord has something for you. Join the conversations, meet new friends, and share your passions. And don’t forget to invite your buddies to join the Discord party!

Have you used Discord before? What are your thoughts on the platform? Share your experiences in the comments below! And if you enjoyed this article, don’t forget to spread the word on social media. Let’s build a thriving Discord community together! 👾💬