Circular Ring Slim: A Flawed Smart Ring That Falls Short

Is the Circular Ring Slim a Worthy Alternative to the Current Best Ring, the Oura Ring?

Circular Ring Slim review ENBLE says it’s the worst smart ring ever.

Are you in the market for a smart ring? As smart rings become more popular, it’s important to be cautious and choose wisely. One example of a smart ring that may catch your eye is the Circular Ring Slim. While it may look attractive, there are several flaws that make it unappealing compared to other options on the market. In this article, we will delve into the design, durability, sleep and activity tracking, data analysis, battery life, price, and overall verdict of the Circular Ring Slim.

Circular Ring Slim: Design

The Circular Ring Slim lives up to its name with its slender shape, making it the most comfortable smart ring I’ve worn. It’s so lightweight and slim that sometimes I forget I’m even wearing it! Its circular shape and matte black finish give it a functional rather than fashionable appearance. While the design is not particularly inspiring, some may appreciate its simplicity. However, the decision to place the Circular Ring Slim’s logo on the top of the ring doesn’t add much value and could have been replaced with a more stylish element.

Circular Ring Slim: Durability and Reliability

One of the biggest disappointments with the Circular Ring Slim is its durability. Unlike the Oura Ring and the Ultrahuman Ring Air, which are made of titanium, the Ring Slim is made of aluminum. This choice of material becomes evident when the ring quickly picks up chips and scratches, revealing the metal beneath the black finish. Additionally, the syncing process between the ring and the app can be slow and occasionally unreliable. I encountered issues where the app forgot the ring entirely, resulting in a convoluted reset process. These durability and reliability concerns make the Circular Ring Slim feel unfinished.

Circular Ring Slim: Sleep and Activity Tracking

The main reason people wear smart rings is to gain insight into their health and wellness. However, the Circular Ring Slim falls short in this area. It tracks sleep and basic daily activity but lacks the ability to track exercise or workouts. Even its sleep tracking capabilities are not always accurate, with instances where it mistakenly detects sitting down as falling asleep, leading to inaccurate data and recommendations. While the included “AI assistant,” Kira, provides generic advice and performance assessments, the overall usefulness of the data and recommendations is limited. Furthermore, the Circular Ring Slim lacks integration with third-party apps, making it less versatile compared to other smart rings and wearables on the market.

Circular Ring Slim: Is the Data Helpful?

The Circular Ring Slim provides several scores and metrics to assess your sleep and activity. However, the app’s presentation of these scores is lackluster and not user-friendly. It fails to highlight the core figures based on your data, resulting in an app that feels poorly designed. Additionally, the app’s notifications regarding your body’s current state and recommended actions can be inconsistent. Furthermore, it’s important to note that while certain features are currently free, the company plans to introduce a subscription model. The lack of transparency regarding future costs and features that may require additional fees makes it difficult to wholeheartedly recommend the Circular Ring Slim.

Circular Ring Slim: Battery and Charging

Circular claims that the Ring Slim’s battery can last up to five days, but during my testing, it lasted only two to four days on a single charge. The charging process itself is also inconvenient. Instead of using a standard USB cable, the Circular Ring Slim connects to a charger directly plugged into a wall socket. This means you’ll have to fumble around the wall socket area to charge the ring, which isn’t the most user-friendly or practical solution. Overall, the battery life and charging experience of the Circular Ring Slim are underwhelming compared to other smart rings and wearables.

Circular Ring Slim: Price and Availability

The Circular Ring Slim is priced at $297, which may seem steep compared to its shortcomings. In comparison, the Oura Ring starts at $299 and requires a subscription, while the RingConn Smart Ring is priced at $279 with no subscription. Both alternatives offer better features and reliability. If you’re looking for a more comprehensive device, options like the Apple Watch Series 9 or the Samsung Galaxy Watch 6 Classic provide superior functionality and reliability. Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that the Circular Ring Slim may introduce a subscription package in the future, adding another layer of uncertainty to its pricing and overall value.

Circular Ring Slim: Verdict

In conclusion, the Circular Ring Slim may catch your eye with its attractive design and promises of health tracking, but it falls short in several key areas. From durability and reliability issues to inaccurate sleep tracking and limited app integration, the overall package feels lackluster. The impending subscription model and lack of transparency regarding costs and future features further hinder the appeal of the Circular Ring Slim. Ultimately, I cannot recommend this smart ring when there are more reliable and feature-rich alternatives available.


Q1: What other smart rings are worth considering?

A1: If you’re in the market for a smart ring, I highly recommend looking into the Oura Ring, the RingConn Smart Ring, or the Ultrahuman Ring Air. These options offer better durability, reliability, and features compared to the Circular Ring Slim.

Q2: Will the Circular Ring Slim integrate with popular fitness apps like Strava or Apple Health?

A2: Unfortunately, the Circular Ring Slim does not have any third-party app integration, limiting its functionality and compatibility with other health and fitness platforms.

Q3: How does the battery life of the Circular Ring Slim compare to other smart rings or wearables?

A3: The Circular Ring Slim’s battery life is underwhelming, lasting only two to four days on a single charge. In contrast, other smart rings and wearables typically offer longer battery life, allowing for a more hassle-free experience.

Q4: Can the Circular Ring Slim accurately track sleep and activity?

A4: While the Circular Ring Slim is designed to track sleep and basic activity, its accuracy can be questionable. Users have reported instances where the ring misinterprets movements and sleep stages, leading to inaccurate data and recommendations.

Q5: How much will the future subscription for the Circular Ring Slim cost, and what features will it include?

A5: Unfortunately, the company behind the Circular Ring Slim has not provided specific details on the future subscription costs or the features that will be included. This lack of transparency makes it difficult for potential buyers to make informed decisions about the long-term costs of owning the device.


When it comes to smart rings, it’s essential to choose carefully. While the Circular Ring Slim may initially seem attractive, its flaws in design, durability, sleep and activity tracking, data analysis, battery life, and pricing make it a less desirable option compared to its competitors. By considering other smart rings or even smartwatches, you can find devices that offer a more comprehensive and reliable experience. Remember to weigh the pros and cons before making your final decision, and always prioritize your specific needs and preferences.


  1. A person wearing the Circular Ring Slim
  2. The Circular Ring Slim resting on a tree branch
  3. The Circular Ring Slim’s sensors
  4. A person wearing the Circular Ring Slim, showing the underside
  5. The Circular Ring Slim’s app
  6. Screenshots taken from the Circular Ring Slim’s app
  7. The Circular Ring Slim with the Circular app on an iPhone 15 Pro Max
  8. A person wearing the Circular Ring Slim
  9. The Circular Ring Slim and the Oura Ring

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